Achievements and performance
The forecast for the Covid dependant plans for the financial year 2021/22 expressed at the Trustee meeting (April 2021) has proved to be accurate and build a stronger foundation for sustainability. Notable achievements have been made by empowering young people to become Peace Advocates at a school in
Brisbane, Australia over an extended period through Zoom. Similarly delivering 8 hours training to 2 schools in Northumberland linked to two in Kenya simultaneously. The process captured the very essence of connecting classrooms thousands of miles apart engaged in developing the skills of peace and conflict resolution to improve their lives. The financial success of these projects enabled a contract with 123 Reg to develop a more up to date and relevant new website, to promote and celebrate the achievements being made.
Throughout the year Zoom has continued to be the major platform to deliver the training programmes to schools, community groups and Rotary Clubs where the latter engaged in the all-new programme of 'Self Care (mental health) and Listening Clubs'. The equivalent programme for schools is being piloted by Eyemouth High School supported by the Rotary Club of Eyemouth. Presentations on the Self Care Programme have been delivered to the Peace Advocate Project Network across the UK and Self Care Facilitation manuals have been published, thus adding to the number of resources that the charity offers.
The Blue Flag Award was achieved by Peace Advocates in Dalbeattie High School, Dumfries and Galloway and 3 other schools are nearing completion although Covid management has extended the time to finalise their projects. One of these schools returned to employ face to face training sessions indicating that schools are showing more of a willingness to re-engage in this manner.
Peace Advocacy presentations continued throughout the year 'virtually' at international and national conferences and one special face to face delivery by newly trained Peace Advocates during the International World Unity Week in Australia.
Plans for future periods
The trustees feel that the charity now has a wider range of viable programmes to offer schools, community groups and Rotary clubs in terms of a) Peace Advocacy, b) Self Care curriculum for schools, c) Self Care and Listening Skills for adults as well as young people, d) the international Blue Flag award is increasing in
popularity and is developing an increasing involvement of international partners in Australia, USA, Japan and Europe.
Full Report can be accessed at Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) or via Companies House