13 December 2022


Extract from TRUSTEE' REPORT

Achievements and performance

The forecast for the Covid dependant plans for the financial year 2021/22 expressed at the Trustee meeting (April 2021) has proved to be accurate and build a stronger foundation for sustainability. Notable achievements have been made by empowering young people to become Peace Advocates at a school in

Brisbane, Australia over an extended period through Zoom. Similarly delivering 8 hours training to 2 schools in Northumberland linked to two in Kenya simultaneously. The process captured the very essence of connecting classrooms thousands of miles apart engaged in developing the skills of peace and conflict resolution to improve their lives. The financial success of these projects enabled a contract with 123 Reg to develop a more up to date and relevant new website, to promote and celebrate the achievements being made.

Throughout the year Zoom has continued to be the major platform to deliver the training programmes to schools, community groups and Rotary Clubs where the latter engaged in the all-new programme of 'Self Care (mental health) and Listening Clubs'. The equivalent programme for schools is being piloted by Eyemouth High School supported by the Rotary Club of Eyemouth. Presentations on the Self Care Programme have been delivered to the Peace Advocate Project Network across the UK and Self Care Facilitation manuals have been published, thus adding to the number of resources that the charity offers.

The Blue Flag Award was achieved by Peace Advocates in Dalbeattie High School, Dumfries and Galloway and 3 other schools are nearing completion although Covid management has extended the time to finalise their projects. One of these schools returned to employ face to face training sessions indicating that schools are showing more of a willingness to re-engage in this manner.

Peace Advocacy presentations continued throughout the year 'virtually' at international and national conferences and one special face to face delivery by newly trained Peace Advocates during the International World Unity Week in Australia.

Plans for future periods

The trustees feel that the charity now has a wider range of viable programmes to offer schools, community groups and Rotary clubs in terms of a) Peace Advocacy, b) Self Care curriculum for schools, c) Self Care and Listening Skills for adults as well as young people, d) the international Blue Flag award is increasing in

popularity and is developing an increasing involvement of international partners in Australia, USA, Japan and Europe.

Full Report can be accessed at Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) or via Companies House

by Keith Best 5 September 2023
North Durham Academy were the last school to receive Face to Face training prior to Covid Lockdown.
by Keith Best 11 August 2023
Rotarian Nigel Anderson and Wellingborough Rotary Club receive Peace Prize for work with School
by Keith Best 31 July 2023
Ann Rebgetz, St James College Principal travels to Europe and meets Peace Advocate Project Directors in Edinburgh to share her project success and celebrate the positive changes that have come about in student leadership. This was an inspirational meeting of minds and a memorable occasion for each of us. Thank you Ann for bringing taking our vision and creating the future leaders who can make a difference to the world.
by Keith Best 14 February 2023
Students at Sir Christopher Hatton Academy are celebrating after being awarded the prestigious Blue Flag Peace School Award.
by Keith Best 27 January 2023
Moving on towards the Blue Flag
13 December 2022
Possible New start for A.B. International School, Ghana 2023 Announced
13 December 2022
Since the initial online training the Peace Advocates have been active during the last 18 months in the school and beyond resulting in the award. The photograph was taken at the presentation and shows John (school Capt 2023), Principal Ann Rebgetz, Georgi (House Capt 2023), Catherine Bonifant (Rotary Eclub of World Peace), Tom Corkery (English teacher/Peace Advocate project coordinator) The flag was presented by Peace Advocate Manar,(yr 12) to one of the new recruits to build continuity and sustainability into the future. The School Principal Ann Rebgetz and Vice Principal Isikeli Kambumaca were both effusive in their praise of the effect the project has on the students. They commented that two or more of the Peace Advocates had been elected to school captain and other leadership roles. Principal Ann said “they had, in their speeches, attributed their success to their participation in the PAP course”. It was also highlighted that 2 or 3 other Peace Advocates from the group also had leadership roles this year. The school is expanding to include years 5 and 6 in the coming academic year to add to the existing secondary classes and it is proposed that the Peace Advocate Project assist with their integration. When speaking with the Peace Advocates Vice Principal Isikeli indicated that he would like to have them instruct the 5- & 6-year groups next year on leadership skills. They responded positively to him and to ideas put forward by a new recruit to the program; a student from Afghanistan who has arrived here since the Taliban took over and denied education to all girls. Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Tom Corkery said when providing school updates “I’m sure that you will have noticed the strong correlation between students who are part of the program and students who are now in leadership positions…….Fantastic success story”.  PAP Directors Comment: Thank you for living the PAP vision RECOGNISE – ENABLE - EMPOWER. Congratulations St James College. Looking forward to receiving more updates in 2023.
5 January 2022
As a Rotarian, teacher, parent or carer you will be very familiar with the challenges young people have to deal with in everyday life and for some these are difficult to cope with. The Peace Project is an interactive programme, which is developed with young people to find answers, taking their views and ideas into account. It recognises, enables and empowers young people to make informed decisions, which will affect their lives and the lives of others. Rotary Ireland has had great success with the initiative already through the great work of Mallow Rotary and the Peace Award at last year’s Young Citizen Award ceremony. We are asking all Rotary Clubs to raise awareness of this programme and identify schools, community and church groups, so we can deliver training to create Peace Advocates in the community. Students will become Peace Advocates and qualify to take their school forward to gain the Blue Flag of Peace for their establishment. The training takes 8hrs and can be delivered over 2days or online in 2 hour sessions over a number of days. It requires a minimum of 6 students plus a teacher and /or interested adults per school. Rotarians and adults are asked to join in the training so as to support and mentor the school. Costs for this 18 month project is £600 per school. The price includes, training, programmes, logbooks, all power point sessions used, assessment for Blue flag and certification.
5 January 2022
Information sheet As a Rotarian, you will be very familiar with the challenges young people have to deal with in everyday life and for some these are difficult to cope with. The Peace Project is an interactive programme, which is developed with young people to find answers, taking their views and ideas into account. lt recognises, enables and empowers young people to make informed decisions, which will affect their lives and the lives of others. Rotary lreland has had great success with the initiative already through the great work of Mallow Rotary and the Peace Award at last year's Young Citizen Award ceremony. We are asking all Rotary Clubs to raise awareness of this programme and identify schools, community and church groups, so we can deliver training to create Peace Advocates in the community. Students will become Peace Advocates and qualify to take their school forward to gain the Blue Flag of Peace for their establishment. The training takes 8hrs and is delivered over 1 ½ to 2 days. lt requires a minimum of 6 students plus a teacher, per school. Rotarians are asked to join in the training so as to support and mentor the school. Cost includes training, Peace Advocate Programmes, Peace Advocate Logbooks, power point presentations, assessment for Blue flag and travel costs for the trainers. To register interest please email: The Blue Peace Flag Award for Schools and Community Groups 1. Two day training with: • Six Hard Copy Programmes • Six Log Books • Guidance on skill acquisition practice plans • Reference presentations of both training days • Peace Project badges for all participants • Presenters preparation, delivery and travel expenses 2. Milestones to be reached following training Complete individual logbooks (required evidence) Presentation to SMT by Peace Advocates after they have practised and achieved skills. (Presentation of Peace Advocate Certificate to each PA) Service project planned and achieved Planned training and delivered to next cohort of Peace Advocates. Presentation of Advanced Peace Advocate Certificate to PA trainers. Monitoring and Assessment of progress by trained appointees Presentation of Blue Flag 3. Costings for new start schools/community group
4 January 2022
“It is an accepted realisation that our young people are growing up in a fast-changing world. Light years away from the one most of us adults grew up in. They face unique pressures and as adults we should never look back and make comparisons to when we were their age as we were never in their age.” Katharine Hill, A Mind of Their Own It is also about being honest with our young people, to admit that we are in a new era where covid has changed and influenced everyone’s wellbeing. This pandemic has dealt a blow to our young people’s emotional wellbeing, and in some cases their already fragile self-care. So: If you believe in young people being 21st century leaders If you want to help young people make informed choices to help themselves and others If you want to learn to facilitate other people’s opinions which may differ from your own If you want to take the opportunity to get involved with supporting young people in school or community groups or organisations such as Scouts or other voluntary organisations to give our young people a voice with responsibility. Get started If you are a Rotarian, use the 'Contact Us' tab contact Jean or Keith to make an awareness presentation to your club If you are a teacher, community leader, parent use the 'Contact Us' tab to arrange an awareness presentation to your school, community organisation or to other adults.
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