5 January 2022
Information sheet As a Rotarian, you will be very familiar with the challenges young people have to deal with in everyday life and for some these are difficult to cope with. The Peace Project is an interactive programme, which is developed with young people to find answers, taking their views and ideas into account. lt recognises, enables and empowers young people to make informed decisions, which will affect their lives and the lives of others. Rotary lreland has had great success with the initiative already through the great work of Mallow Rotary and the Peace Award at last year's Young Citizen Award ceremony. We are asking all Rotary Clubs to raise awareness of this programme and identify schools, community and church groups, so we can deliver training to create Peace Advocates in the community. Students will become Peace Advocates and qualify to take their school forward to gain the Blue Flag of Peace for their establishment. The training takes 8hrs and is delivered over 1 ½ to 2 days. lt requires a minimum of 6 students plus a teacher, per school. Rotarians are asked to join in the training so as to support and mentor the school. Cost includes training, Peace Advocate Programmes, Peace Advocate Logbooks, power point presentations, assessment for Blue flag and travel costs for the trainers. To register interest please email: jeanmbest@gmail.com The Blue Peace Flag Award for Schools and Community Groups 1. Two day training with: • Six Hard Copy Programmes • Six Log Books • Guidance on skill acquisition practice plans • Reference presentations of both training days • Peace Project badges for all participants • Presenters preparation, delivery and travel expenses 2. Milestones to be reached following training Complete individual logbooks (required evidence) Presentation to SMT by Peace Advocates after they have practised and achieved skills. (Presentation of Peace Advocate Certificate to each PA) Service project planned and achieved Planned training and delivered to next cohort of Peace Advocates. Presentation of Advanced Peace Advocate Certificate to PA trainers. Monitoring and Assessment of progress by trained appointees Presentation of Blue Flag 3. Costings for new start schools/community group