Students at North Durham Academy who achieved the 3 key skills of Peace and Conflict Resolution, applied their knowledge to completing their school-based project. The 10 Peace Advocates are eager to step up to becoming Advanced Peace Advocates to achieve the International Peace Schools Blue Flag status for their school.
Starting at 8.45am for an hour on four school days during January they attended online preparation sessions that would enable and empower them to train the school’s next cohort of over 20 volunteers to become Peace Advocates. The training was facilitated by Jean and Keith Best online with project leader Rotarian John Brierley, Consett Rotary Club and school staff project leader Anna Rayson. Rotarian Susan Mellor also of Consett RC attended online.
The Advanced Peace Advocates will lead a total of eight hours training for the new cohort planning a relevant programme where each section will be led in pairs.
The training covered how to open up discussions about the problems young people face in today’s world and how to make informed choices starting with leadership skills, moving onto role play scenarios, practising the major skills of collaborative conversations, planning future projects before launching into the background to conflict in themselves, schools and communities.
Financially supported by Consett Rotary Club North Durham Academy APA’s will lead their school expertly into the 21s Century. The Peace Advocate Project is looking forward to awarding the Blue Peace Flag during this academic year.